Looking Forward to 2018

Happy New Year! This past week, I’ve spent some time reflecting on the past year and thinking about what I want to prioritize in the coming year. 2017 was a busy year filled with a bunch of firsts, simple memories, and beautiful places. I’m immensely grateful for the wonderful things that happened and also for the challenges that made me stronger.

I’m pretty proud to say that I achieved all of the goals on the short list I had set for myself in 2017. They weren’t super formal, but they gave me some priorities and I made them all happen one way or another!

  • Ran a 5 mile race
  • Planned a big trip- Ian and I went to Acadia National Park
  • Developed my career- I got promoted!
  • Managed budgeting multiple bridal parties so I can be there for my friends on their big days
  • Bought a new car

As someone who works in marketing communications, I’m used to setting SMART goals for my projects. If you haven’t heard of this acronym, they are goals that are:


A lot of people believe that this type of goal setting is the only way to do it. It’s what most schools and businesses preach- it’s supposed to be the most clear and effective way to meet your goals. While I agree that they might be great for business objectives or ad campaigns, I don’t think they always work for life, which often requires flexibility and creativity. I want to treat most of my goals as “areas of focus” to help direct my time and energy to the things I think are important.



  • Train for/run a 10K in under 55 minutes
  • Learn to meditate and practice regularly
  • Be proactive about my health

This year, I’m going to channel my wellness energies into upping my race distance and training mileage, introducing meditation into my routine as a way to help manage stress, and being more proactive with my health. It’s been a year and a half since I’ve moved here and I haven’t been to a primary care doctor yet. I know it’s not uncommon to let this kind of thing go, but I want to make a more conscious effort not to moving forward.


  • Become better connected in my community
  • Attend at least one local concert
  • Attempt another herb garden

These are just some fun things that I want to do for me. I kept the community goal general because I have a TON of ideas and didn’t want to be too ambitious by making it specific, so I’ll see where some of them take me.


  • Explore a new city
  • Relax on a beach
  • Hike in a new park

I did a lot of traveling in 2017- more than I think I ever have before in a single year. While I’m so grateful and so happy it worked out, I know 2018 will be a little different. With some lofty financial goals, being in 3 wedding parties over a 12 month time period, and buying a car, my travel budget may not allow for a big trip. That said, I kept these general so that I have the flexibility to still make them happen and continue to explore new places.


  • Pay off 25% of my original student loan amount by the end of the year
  • Reach my emergency fund savings goal by the end of the year

At the point that I’m at in my life, I think these are some of the most important goals I could have and I’m excited to keep chipping away at them. They’re also a bit more specific (or SMART) than my other goals due to the nature of them.


  • Continue learning about my industry
  • Search for passion and clarity

These goals were a bit tough for me to put into words. I’ve learned a lot in my job- things I enjoy, things I don’t, things I excel at, and things I need to improve on. I want to continue to work at those things, but also figure out what I’m most passionate about when it comes to my work and where I want my career to take me next.

“A little progress each day adds up to big results”

Wishing you health, happiness, and the motivation to reach all of your goals in 2018. Cheers!

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